Coolant Recycling Case Study

A longtime FST customer with a division containing a shop of 28 machines.


A longtime FST customer with a division containing a shop of 28 machines.

Fluid Service Technologies Survey
A longtime FST customer had a division in need of help with
their shop of 28 machines. With average sump sizes of 250 gallons,
these machines were having issues with excessive coolant usage and
above average waste. Due to the large number of machines, they
were only able to perform cleanings semi-annually.

An FST representative was able to go in and review the customers
current processes. They found the right recycle unit for their facility and
implemented PRAB Model HG800 coolant recycling system. Using FST’s
pass/fail matrix, the customer was able to process spent fluid through the
recycle unit and properly blend fresh mixture into reclaimed fluid. This
allowed the recycled fluid to be used throughout the shop for daily top off.

Fluid Service Technologies Process improvements
Result: Thanks to FST’s implementation of the recycle unit, the customer
was able to reclaim 9,430 gallons of coolant in their first year, decrease
waste output by over 70% and save $24,842.00 in coolant usage. The
customer reduced manpower with waste processing and transportation,
reduced fuel usage for the evaporator unit, and allowed for a more proactive
machine cleaning schedule

The customer reclaimed 9,430 gallons of coolant, saving almost $25,000 in coolant usage, and decreasing waste output by over 70%.


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